The Orthogonian

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Friday, July 16, 2004

Rumor Times

So what counts for front-page, above-the-fold news in the New York Times, our newspaper of record? Apparently, beltway rumors. Yesterday, the Times plastered on its front page a story that included the word 'rumor' in the headline. Since when do rumors become news? Especially when you consider the rumor and its source.

According to the Times, the theory has been "advanced privately by prominent Democrats, including members of Congress" saying our Pres. Bush will soon dump Dick Cheney from the tickett. Obviously, speculating Democrats are reliable sources when it comes to the strategery of a Republican president.

Even ABC's website feature, The Note, pondered just how author Elisabeth Bumiller got the story on the front page of the paper which claims it's "all the news that's fit to print."

How the talented Ms. Bumiller gets just above the front-page fold of her paper today with a story that includes the word "rumor" in the headline is really beyond us. ... Bumiller's story has some clever suggestions that Republicans are a part of a three-way conversation on this, but for the most part, this is a Democrat-and-media dialogue.


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