The Orthogonian

Barrels and barrels of monkeys. Send an e-mail.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

What confessions?

At least one has dismayed that my return to blogging was benchmarked by overtly-political rantings. It's just a sign of the times. What news junkie right now isn't burning one way or another about the impending election? Call it a quadrennial fever.

My interest in the CBS memo story draws mostly out of the fact that it's a media story. This obviously interests me. I want to know how the network got the personal docs if they didn't get it from his family. I'm interested to see how CBS defends itself against experts who claim the memos are forged. I'm fascinated with the Boston Globe's role in the story - Globe partnered with CBS to break the story, yet hasn't suffered much fallout. Still, the Globe is playing active defense, even misquoting poor Philip Bouffard who must feel like he's in Hurricane Ivan right now. If I'm calling Bouffard (and I am), hundreds of other reporters must be.

I want to see how all this goes down. Rather made his stand on Friday. Did he attach himself to a sinking vessel?


At September 12, 2004 at 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, your last link still isn't right. Here is a link to the latest Boston Globe report on the story.

At September 12, 2004 at 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I draw your attention to the two additional documents supposedly by Killian that can be found on, which I linked on your previous post. What exactly these mean I am not sure, but if you're really interested in the story check them out. They were supposedly ALL obtained independently by USA Today's for the piece by Dave Moniz and Jim Drinkard. Also, MSNBC has mentioned a possible source for the documents, Bill Burkett.

At September 12, 2004 at 6:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All above posts by Ben

At September 12, 2004 at 8:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, I can find nothing to indicate that the Boston Globe was implicated in the 60 Minutes story, other than the Bouffard incident. Boston Globe came out with an analysis of Bush's other documents, saying he hadn't met his obligations, which some have disputed, not surprisingly. Here is the USA Today story claiming that they also received the memos.


At September 14, 2004 at 2:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, sorry to be flooding your comments, but I think I may be your only reader interested anyway. Since your power was out, I guess you didn't see CBS further justification of their claims. It was not completely satisfactory. Still, I was happy that an "expert" brought up the same thing I mentioned to you: A document has both a superscripted and non-superscripted "th" in it. He seemed to think this was evidence for their authenticity. Here are the latest two articles I know of: The Washington Post is extremely skeptical of their authenticity now. The New York Times has talked to people inside CBS: Some colleagues are worried, but CBS News President and a spokesperson stand by the story.



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