The Orthogonian

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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Murder, he wrote

If Michael Moore thought the Secret Service were persnickety when he stood outside the Saudi embassy, I wonder what author Nicholson Baker will come up against when he publishes his new book – Checkpoint.

The title sounds mundane enough, but the book is actually about two guys who sit around and discuss ways of assassinating Pres. George W. Bush. They never try in the book, but I wonder how many will buy and read this book wanting to live this drama at least vicariously.
In fact, this book's popularity and the widespread reaction could be an indicator of this country's political health. Will those who disagree with our president be willing to open their imagination to killing him? After all dissent is celebrated, but murderous thoughts (if only imagined) should be denounced.

This from the Independent of UK explaining the views of the book's protagonist:

Jay says he hasn't felt so much hostility against any other president - not Nixon, not Reagan. Jay says of Mr Bush: "He is beyond the beyond. What he's done with this war. The murder of the innocent. And now the prisons. It's too much. It makes me so angry. And it's a new kind of anger, too." At one point, he calls Mr Bush an "unelected [expletive] drunken OILMAN" who is "squatting" in the White House and "muttering over his prayer book every morning." At another point, he calls Mr Bush "one dead armadillo".

I wonder if Jay is a product of "firing up the base?"


At June 30, 2004 at 9:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This book will not stir up things nearly like the movie did, or will. Lest you forget, this is a society that doesn't read books as much any more. If it's not getting acted out in a movie, written on a blog or splattered in ink or the internet or overhyped on TV, then the masses will never hear about it.

That's too bad. Because it probably took more journalistic efforts and know-how to get this book published than it did to produce this movie. And the author Nicholson Baker, I'm sure, is quite a bit smarter than Moore.

At July 1, 2004 at 10:49 AM, Blogger Jason said...

I know if I were ever going to kill someone, I'd throw their weighted-down body into the ocean and let the fish eat them so know one would ever find them.


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