The Orthogonian

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Monday, October 11, 2004


Just saw Friday Night Lights last evening with a packed house at Citiplace. The crowd certainly would have felt comfortable if the movie was a film breakdown of a high school game. Meaning, the crowd was all young, large and male.

Which made it obvious to everyone in the theatre that some football parts of the movie are preposterous. On fourth-and-inches coaches almost always call the quarterback sneak – not the dive – and defenses never (NEVER) run a twist or stunt or whatever in that situation.

Regardless, like all great sports movies, this Friday Night Lights is not about sports, but life. It's actually not even about staying true to the story, as told in the book, from which it departs several times. Life, as portrayed in the movie, is far more accurate than Radio, Remember the Titans, Varsity Blues, etc. This movie carries the truth of HS football further (at least as I've seen it) than any other silver screen portrayal.

Finally, let me at: I'm so completely thrilled I didn't read the book before hand. That fact allowed the movie to surprise me in an un-Hollywood-like fashion. No spoilers here. Just see it.


At October 12, 2004 at 1:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Travis -- I read the book first, but haven't seen the movie. We're going to see it tomorrow, so I can let you know after that.

The book is good and, from what I hear, it more clearly defines the racial problems the town (and some of the rest of the teams in the state) had at that time that the movie does not really touch on. And that is a HUGE part of the entire story and one of the main reasons the book caused so much controversy in West Texas.



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