The Orthogonian

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Saturday, September 25, 2004

Too ironical

I've heard of dumping a story because of a lack of quotes, or because you got scooped. How about this one: CBS decided to dump a story about the Bush administration's decision to go to war. In the report, CBS would show how Admin. officials justified an invasion based upon forged documents. The irony here is clear.

I don't think I'll get much disagreement when I say that CBS shouldn't back off their story, at least not for this reason. Past mistakes should never keep you from doing your job. If the network has something relevent to tell voters before the election, let them report it, regardless of awkward it may seem. Who knows - CBS could even play it like this: "We know a little something about being duped by forged documents. It's easy. The administration fell for the trap too. Here's how..."


At September 28, 2004 at 3:47 PM, Blogger IMHO said...

Just a note. That was the story fervent lefty partisan, Joshua M. Marshall of, was working on.

Maybe CBS decided to hold off running it because it would be perceived as another partisan hatchet job. (Not to compare Marshall to Burkett


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