The Orthogonian

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Monday, October 25, 2004


This may upset the popular perception, but Bush is no idiot, according to some scientist who seems interested. He says that at 22, Bush's IQ was in the mid 120s, whereas Kerry's at the same age was 120. This actually makes Bush the poindexter of the race (not counting the spindly-headed Nader, Badnarik, Peroutka and others).

Of course this is ridiculous in two ways. First, experts should know well enough to stop diagnosing presidential candidates from afar. Me and a buddy had a good chuckle over a Washington Post article once that brought in a few speech pathologists to "diagnose" Bush's speech patterns from what they've seen on T.V. Likewise, it's stupid to try and judge these two guys IQ from 35-year-old tests.

Secondly, there's still a false perception that Dubya's a dunce. Based on what? I say. Shouldn't liberals who propogate this idea be more sensative to any potential speech dissabilities? Isn't the rest of the proof simply ideological? Wouldn't it then make sense for conservatives, Republicans and possibly even Americans to say Jimmuh Cahtah was the dunceiest person to ever live?


At October 26, 2004 at 1:12 AM, Blogger Jason said...

Bush is really dumb. That Yale degree? Worthless. And lest we forget that Harvard MBA. He may has well ordered his diploma from a degree mill. What an idiot.


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