The Orthogonian

Barrels and barrels of monkeys. Send an e-mail.

Monday, June 07, 2004

Scammers, Part II

In this day and age, who doesn't like a good scam? My favorite current email scams are the audacious letters sent from "widows of African dignitaries" or other Nigerian doctors or researchers. I've always wanted to respond to one, so two weeks ago, I did (here are the letters). And now, I've gotten my response. The scammer even responded to my love of the Lagos State Colonels football team. Read on for his letter and my response:

Dear brother,

Thank you very much for your mail. That is interesting to know that you are a big fan of the Lagos State Colonels football team.

This is to inform you that we are going to be taken care of the cost of this transaction arising from our side until the final approval is given to you for your payment and then you become the legal beneficiary of this money.   firsly, we will have to register your name/company as a consultant to our institution. So, you forward your contact address. You will see that i call you my brother now,this is because in Africa,your brother or sister is the person that comes to your help when you need one,not really because the person has biological affiliation to you,so i look forward for us to have a brotherly relationship.

As you already know,my name is James Nakanda Momoh,I am a Nigerian,medical consultant and a lecturer,am a christian by faith and have three children,two girls and a boy all in their teens.

Let me also know a little about you my great friend and brother.

Thanks And God Bless.


And my response:

Dear Brother Momoh,

Thanks for your quick response. Firstly, please give your children my best. Life can be difficult for teenagers.

Now to business. You may reach me at XXXXXXX XXXXXXX or by telephone at XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX or by fax at XXXXXX XXXXX.

I made my fortune selling pet rocks (an American fad) during the 1970s. Since then, I've brokered squatters' rights settlements with the Navajo tribe of the Sandusky.

Looking forward to working with you,

The Orthogonian


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