The many faces of a former vice president
Since Al Gore's bearded look worked for him about as well as his recount, the previously calm and robotic Senator has adopted another approach. He has a scream. The way Gore loudly attacked the Bush Admin. shouldn't really surprise anyone. He's of course trying to remold himself into a socially acceptable package. Problem is, Gore is always months or years late.
After shaking off the robot-Al motif of the 2000 campaign, he adopted the "Sex-machine Al."
That worked for Clinton, right? Of course, no one wanted to see Gore suck out Tipper's tonsils. So after the election, Gore grew a beard and tried to become the George W.-Gore (also known as the every man Gore). You've all seen Gore with a beard, but have you ever seen him try and resemble Bush as much as this photo?
Since George W. -Gore didn't work either, Gore's adopted the screaming Democrat motif. Now that may have worked months ago, but now, after the Dean Scream, yelling isn't so chic. But no one told Al.
Finally, the National Review writes Republicans should be happy the new Al Gore has turned into a screamer:
However, speaking privately, some in the GOP were not at all unhappy with Gore's speech. "We're delighted by it," said one GOP strategist, "because what you see now is a coalescing of the 'blame America first' wing of the Democratic party that has been largely absent from the stage since 1984."
The strategist explained that Gore's emotional performance, like earlier speeches the former vice president has given assailing the Bush administration, will not appeal to the great majority of voters. "It was an anger-filled speech before an angry audience belonging to an angry group," the Republican insider continued. "All these things are a turnoff to people."